Commodity Derivatives : Markets and Applications
Schofield , Neil C .
Commodity Derivatives : Markets and Applications - New Delhi : John Wiley , 2014 . - xiv . 313 p . : ill . ; 24 cm
An Introduction to Derivate Products Risk Management Gold Base Metals Crude Oil Natural Gas Electricity Plastic Coal Emissions Agricultural Commodities and Biofuels Commodities Within an Investment Portfolio
Specific forms of Investment
Financial Economics
Risk Management Base Metals Crude Oil Commodities Investment Portfolio
332.63 / SCH
Commodity Derivatives : Markets and Applications - New Delhi : John Wiley , 2014 . - xiv . 313 p . : ill . ; 24 cm
An Introduction to Derivate Products Risk Management Gold Base Metals Crude Oil Natural Gas Electricity Plastic Coal Emissions Agricultural Commodities and Biofuels Commodities Within an Investment Portfolio
Specific forms of Investment
Financial Economics
Risk Management Base Metals Crude Oil Commodities Investment Portfolio
332.63 / SCH